Forum Discussion

teppotahkapaa's avatar
Icon for Contributor III rankContributor III
30 days ago

GQL queries with attributes

We have a need to automate lots of BSM service creations and I am struggling with GQL now. We have created attribute to be used for har query {customAttributes   (first: 7, search: {name: {eq: "BS...
  • teppotahkapaa's avatar
    24 days ago

    OK, solution found.

    Against documentation in /gql, when you utilize SL1 attribute information the "id" is not the ID that is mentioned in docs, and everywhere else it is the DID,GUID etc, but in this context it points to name,

    So actually here we needed to use it this way:

        attributes: {
        value:"Koillismaan kauppa"

    Thanks jchivers for info!