This is an annotated version of the Lua device control script that was shown in last week's PowerHour about Restorepoint automation.
The objective was to connect to a Cisco IOS device, identify any GigabitEthernet interfaces whose current MTU was >1500, and then configure those interfaces to use an MTU of 1500. We can do this by running the "show interfaces" command and processing the output. Here is the script I described during the PowerHour:
timeout (10)
-- Run the "show interfaces" command, collect the output, and store that output -- as a list of text lines. sendget("show interfaces","#") output = before() lines=splitlines(output)
-- Start looping through the output lines. for i,line in pairs(lines) do
-- Look for lines like "InterfaceName is up|down, line protocol is up|down". if line:match(".* is [a-z]+, line protocol is [a-z]+") then
-- When we find one, save the interface name as intf. intf=line:match("^(.*) is [a-z]+, line protocol is [a-z]+") mtu=nil end
-- If we find a line with MTU data, convert the MTU to a numeric value and save it. if line:match("MTU") then mtu = tonumber(line:match("MTU ([0-9]+) bytes"))
-- Check if the interface meets our criteria of being a GigabitEthernet interface -- with a current MTU above 1500. if intf:match("GigabitEthernet") and mtu > 1500 then
-- If it is, execute the Cisco IOS commands to change the configuration. We use a local -- variable 'in_config_mode' to avoid going in/out of config mode multiple times. if not in_config_mode then sendget("conf terminal","#") in_config_mode = true end sendget("int "..intf,"#") sendget("mtu 1500","#") sendget("exit","#") print("Changed MTU on "..intf.." from "..mtu.." to 1500 bytes") end end end
-- Finally, exit from config mode if needed. if in_config_mode then sendget("exit","#") end